Goodridge CM Brake pads - Model No - G 126 CM - Honda /Kawasaki /Suzuki /Yamaha

CM - Metallic Compound
Free Shipping Australia Wide!
Time to grab yourself a bargain!
We have a huge range of quality Goodridge Disk Brake Pads and Drum Shoes that we need to sell ASAP, so we are running them out the door at well below retail price! We only have limited stock, so what you see below is all we have so be quick!
These pads are the highest durability metallic compound for ATV & moto-x riding. They are suitable for all conditions including mud and extreme weather.
Model Number
G 126 CM
Need to find the correct pad for your make / model / year bike?
- Click here to view the Goodridge Application guide and scroll down to find your bike and pad number.
- Either search for the 3 digit part number in the search bar at the top left of this page, or scroll through the listings below.
Note: Make sure you remember to order 2 X sets for twin disk front end if you have one.
PR5 Supermoto 250cc 09 F
PR5 Enduro 250cc 09 F
AR 250 93— F
MXV 450 09—13 F
RXV 450/550 Enduro 06—13 F
RR 250 2T 13—14 F
RR 250 Enduro Racing (2T) 14 F
RR 250 4T Enduro 05—07 F
RR 300 Enduro 2T 13—14 F
RR 300 Enduro Racing (2T) 13—14 F
RR 350 Enduro Racing (4T) 13 F
RR 350 4T Enduro 11—14 F
RR 400 4T Enduro 05—14 F
RR 450 4T Enduro 05—14 F
RR 450 Enduro Racing (4T) 13—14 F
RR 450 4T Cross Country 12 F
RR 498 4T Enduro 12—14 F
RR 498 Enduro Racing (4T) 13—14 F
RR 520 Enduro 05—11 F
RR 525 4T Enduro 05—09 F
MX 400 00 F
Sauel 125 F
EC 125/200/250/300 (2T) 00—14 F
MX 125/250 (MC) 01—09 F
Trail Halley 125cc 09 F
MX 200/250/300 99—00 F
EC 250 F (4T) 12—14 F
EC 300 F (4T) 13—14 F
EC 450 FSR/FSE (4T) Enduro 05—09 F
EC 450 F (4T) 13—14 F
EC 450 Raid 14 F
Pampera 450 (4T) 07—08 F
SM Halley 450cc 09 F
Trail Halley 450cc 09 F
EC 515 FSR/FSE (4T) Enduro 05—09 F
G 125 XM 08—09 F
G 250 XM 08—09 F
CR 125/250 RS/RT/RV/RW/RX/RY
/R1/R2/R3/R4/R5/R6/R7 95—07 F
CRF 125 F (17”/14” Wheels) 14 F
XLR 125 RW 98—01 F
XR 125 L3/L4/L5/L6/L7/L8 03—08 F
CRF 150 F3/F4/F5/F6/F7 03—07 F
CTX 200/CTX 200 A Bushlander 04—05 F
CRF 230 F4/F5/F6/F7/F8/F9 04—09 F
CRF 230 L 08—10 F
CRF 230 M 09—10 F
SL 230 ‘Free Landsports’ (MD33)
V/W/X/1 97—01 F
CRM 250 RR/RR11 (MD24 140) MK3 94—96 F
CRM 250 ‘Active Radial’ (MD32)
ARV/ARW 97—98 F
CRF 250 R4/R5/R6/R7/R8/R9/RA/RB/RC/RD/RE 04—14 F
CRF 250 X4/X5/X6/X7/X8/X9/XB/XC/XD 04—13 F
XR 250 RT/RV/RW/RX/RY/R1/R2/R3/R4 96—04 F
XL 250 Degree (MD26) 94—96 F
XLR 250 RM/R3N/RP/RR/R3R (MD22) 91— F
XLR 250 Baja MK2 (MD22) F
XR 250 Y/3 (MD30) 00—03 F
XR 250 3/S (MD30) Motard 03—05 F
XR 250 III Y/3 Baja 00—03 F
XR 300 R10 10 F
NX4 Falcon 02—05 F
XR 400 RT/RV/RW/RX/RY/R1—R5 96—05 F
CRF 450 R2—R9/RA/RB/RC/RD/RE 02—14 F
CRF 450 X5/X6/X7/X8/X9/XB/XC/XD 05—13 F
TRX 450 R4/R5/R6/ER6/R7/ER7/R8/ER8
/R9/ER9 04—09 F
CR 500 RS/RT/RV/RW/RX/RY/R1 95—01 F
XR 600 RP/RR/RS/RT/RV/RW/RX/RY 93—00 F
XL 600 VV/VW/VX Transalp 97—00 F
XL 650 VY/V1/V2/V3/V4/V5/V6/V7 Transalp 00—07 F
XR 650 RY/R1—R7 00—07 F
XR 650 L 93—12 F
TRX 700 XX8/XX9/XXB 08—11 F
XL 700 V8/V9/VA (Transalp/2 piston front caliper
/ABS on rear disc) 08—11 F
XRV 750 P/R/S/T/V/W/X/Y ‘Africa Twin’ 94—03 F
XR 125 SM 04 F
XR 250 R 04 F
XR 250 SM 04 F
XR 400/440 R 04 F
XR 400/440 SM 04 F
XR 650 R 04 F
CR 125 Motard 04 F
CRE 125 R Supermotard 02—03 F
CRE 125 R Enduro 02—06 F
CRE 125 (Six Competition 2T) 11 F
CRM 125 (Derapage RR 2T) 11 F
CRF 230 Easy Trail 04 F
CRF 230 Easy Enduro 04 F
CRF 230 Easy Motard 04 F
CRF 230 F Easy Trial (All models) 04—07 F
CRE 250 R Supermotard 02—03 F
CRE 250 R Enduro 02—06 F
CRE 250 R Moto 04 F
CRE 250 F Enduro 04—06 F
CRE 250 X F
CRE F 250 X 08—11 F
CRF 250 Motard 04 F
CRF 250 F 04—08 F
CRF 250 R 08—09 F
CRE F 250 R 08—09 F
CRE F 290 X 07 F
CRE F 300 X 08—09 F
CRE 450 F Enduro 02—04 F
CRF 450 Motard 04 F
CRE 450 Supermoto 02—03 F
CRE 450 X F
CRF 450 R 04—08 F
CRE F 490 X 07 F
CRE F 500 X 08—09 F
KX 125 K1/K2/K3/K4/K5/L1
/L2/L3/L4/M1/M2/M3/M6F/M7F/M8F 94—08 F
KDX 200 H1/H2/H3/H4/H5 95—99 F
RM 125 K6/K7/K8 06—08 F
KDX 220 R A4/A5/A6/A7/A8/A9
/A10/A11/A12/A6F 97—06 F
KDX 220 SR (DX 220 B) F
KLX 250 F1—F4 94—97 F
KLX 250 R D1/D2 93—94 F
KLX 250 G1 94 F
KLX 250 J1—J6 D—Tracker 98—03 F
KLX 250 H6F/H7F 06—07 F
KX 250 F (KX 250 N1/N2) 04—05 F
KX 250 K1—K5/L1—L4/M1—M2/R1/R6F/R7F/R8F 94—08 F
KX 250 F (T6F/T7F/T8F) 06—08 F
KLX 300 A2—A10/A6F/A7F 97—07 F
KLX 400 R (KLX 400 B1/B2) 03—04 F
KLX 450 R (A8F/A9F/AAF/ABF/ACF) 08—12 F
KX 450 F (D6F/D7F/D8F/E9F/EAF/EBF/FCF/FDF/FEF) 06—14 F
KX 500 E6—E16 94—04 F
KLX 650 C1/C2/C3 93—97 F
DR 125 SMK8/SMK9/SML0 08—12 F
RM 125 T/V/W/X/K1—K9 96—12 F
RM 125 XCK8 09 F
250 SBK2 (LX 250 L) 02 F
/RLW/RW/RY (SJ45A/DOHC) 95—00 F
(Dejbel 250 XC/GPS Ver (SJ45A) F
DR—Z 250 K1—K7 (DJ43A) 01—07 F
RM 250 T/V/W/X/K1—K9 96—12 F
RM 250 XCK8 09 F
RMX 250 T/V/W 96—98 F
RMX 250 ST/SV/SW/SW/SX (SJ14A) 96—99 F
RM—Z 250 K4/K5/K6/K7/K8/K9/L0/L1/L2/L3/L4 04—14 F
DR 350 SEW/SEX Electric Start/6 bolt front disc 98—99 F
/K6/EK7/SK7/K7/SK8/SK9 00—09 F
DR—Z 400 SMK5/SMK6/SMK7/SMK8/SMK9 05—09 F
RMX 450 ZL0 10—12 F
RM—Z 450 K5/K6/K7/K8/K9/L0/L1/L2/L3/L4 05—14 F
DR 650 SET/SEV 96—97 F
YZ 125 K/L/M/N/P/R/S/T/V/W (2T) 98—07 F
/FA/FB/FD (4T) 01—13 F
WR 250 ZK 98 F
WR 250 RX/RY (32D1/3) 08—10 F
YZ 250 K/L/M/N/P/R/S/T/V/W 98—07 F
YZ 250 FN/FP/FR/FS/FT/FV (4T) 01—06 F
YZ 400 FK/FL 98—99 F
WR 400 FL/FM/FN 99—01 F
WR 426 FN/FP 01—02 F
YZ 426 FM/FN/FP 00—02 F
WR 450 FR/FS/FT/FV/FW/FX/FY/FA/FB/FD (4T) 03—13 F
YZ 450 FR/FS/FT/FV/FW 03—07 F
Zero DS (ZF8.5/ZF11.4) (Nissin F & R Calipers) 10—13 F
Zero MX (ZF2.8/ZF5.7) (Nissin F & R Calipers) 10—13 F
Zero S (ZF8.5/ZF11.4) (Nissin F & R Calipers) 10—13 F
Zero XU (Nissin F & R Calipers) 10—13 F
Zero FX (Nissin F & R Calipers) 10—13 F
Zero DS (Dual Sport) (Nissin F/J.Juan R Calipers) 14 F
Zero FX (Stealfighter) (Nissin F/J.Juan R Calipers) 14 F
Zero S (Streetfighter) (Nissin F/J.Juan R Calipers) 14 F
Zero SR (Max Performance) (Nissin F/J.Juan R Calipers) 14 F
Please note: You will need to order 1 set per caliper for Twin Disk front end. If you have twin rotors you will need to order 2 X sets of pads.
Please note: we only have limited stock and it is all listed on this site.
Please note: Product photos may not represent the exact shape of the pad listed - please check the technical drawing above for exact pad shape.
Bedding-in: this is a particularly important procedure for all compounds. The pads are bedded in by applying the brakes lightly several times and ending with a firm bite, leaving a pause between one squeeze and the next. This will produce the correct heating and cooling cycle needed to prepare the system. The duration of the bedding-in period depends on the type of compound: generally longer for organic compounds than for sintered.
SKU | G126CM |
Brand | Goodridge |
Shipping Weight | 0.3000kg |
Shipping Width | 0.150m |
Shipping Height | 0.100m |
Shipping Length | 0.030m |
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